PPMI Online
Parkinson Progression Marker Initiative Online (PPMI online) is part of the broader Parkinson’s Progression Marker Initiative aimed at better understanding who gets Parkinson’s disease and why. PPMI Online is a study collecting participant reported demographic and health information online from people with and without Parkinson’s disease. Once in the study, you will answer questions related to various aspects of your health that may be related to your risk of developing Parkinson’s. Whether you have Parkinson's or not, you are needed to find better ways to diagnose, treat, and even prevent this brain disease.
People with or without Parkinson's Disease, age 18 years or older living in the United States
United States
For more information on PPMI Online, please call (877) 525-PPMI or email joinppmi@michaeljfox.org.
Smell Test Direct
Loss of sense of smell may be one of the most important signals of Parkinson’s risk. The Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) is a landmark study is exploring this link toward prevention. Help scientists learn more about risk and develop new treatments.
We are asking everyone within the U.S. or Canada to take a smell test if they:
- Have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease within the last 7 years OR
- Are age 40 and up without Parkinson’s
This study is accessible online by visiting this link https://mysmelltest.org/
For more information on Smell Test Direct, please call (888) 830-6299 or email ppmi@iu.edu.
PD GENEration provides genetic testing and genetic counseling at no cost to empower people with Parkinson’s disease and their care team, improve Parkinson’s care and research, and increase enrollment in clinical trials.
PD GENEration is available to people with a confirmed diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, regardless of age. Enrollment and counseling are available in both English and Spanish.
Participants can enroll from home through a telemedicine appointment and at-home sample collection kit, or in-person at one of the participating Centers of Excellence and Parkinson Study Group sites.
For questions about enrollment, email Genetics@Parkinson.org or call 1-800-4PD-INFO (473-4636).
PPMI Pathology Core
The PPMI Pathology Core helps coordinate and plan all aspects of the brain tissue donation. Post-mortem (after-death) analysis of brain tissue allows researchers to compare the data and samples collected in the PPMI study with what they see in the brain. These studies will help Parkinson’s researchers further their understanding of the disease and its progression, which could help develop new treatments. The PPMI Pathology Core will also provide a summary that will be provided to the PPMI participant’s family.
Any former or current PPMI participants qualify to participate. Current PPMI participants should contact their site coordinator to get involved, while former participants should contact the PPMI Pathology Core directly.
Participation in this study is available nationwide, and through PPMI study sites.
For more information or self-referrals, please visit the PPMI Pathology Core website, call (844) 280-0036 or email ppmipath@iu.edu.
TOPAZ (Trial of Parkinson’s and Zoledronic Acid)
The TOPAZ study will test if a medicine called zoledronate can reduce fractures and even death in people with Parkinson’s Disease. Zoledronate is an FDA-approved treatment for osteoporosis (weak bones). What we learn could help people with Parkinson’s disease lower their risk of fractures and death.
You can take part if you (1) are at least age 60, (2) have Parkinson’s disease, Multiple system atrophy, Progressive supranuclear palsy, Dementia with Lewy bodies or another form of parkinsonism, and (3) have never fractured your hip. Further eligibility criteria can be found during enrollment through the study website.
Participants can enroll from home by visiting topazstudy.org. Anyone who lives in the United States can participate. All study activities are completed from the comfort of your own home.
For more information about the TOPAZ study, visit topazstudy.org.