Below you will find a list of resources you can share with your Spanish speaking patients or participants. For a list of these resources and descriptions in Spanish please visit Recursos en Español.
General Resources
American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA)
Spanish webinars and publications about fatigue, constipation, depression, cognitive changes, urinary symptoms, medications.
Michael J Fox Foundation
Parkinson’s FAQ in Spanish (Recursos en Español)
Guide from the Michael J Fox Foundation to learn about Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson's Foundation
About Parkinson’s (Acerca el Parkinson en Español)
Spanish Resources List (Recursos en Español)
La Federación Española de Párkinson
Workshops, courses, and webinars for people with Parkinson.
Davis Phinney Foundation
List of Spanish resources.
Genetics and Parkinson’s disease
What is Genetic Counseling? (¿Qué es la consejería genética?)Spanish podcast episode about Genetic Counseling
Genetics, Parkinson’s Disease, and Research Participation (Genética, enfermedad de Parkinson y la importancia de participar en estudios de investigación)Parkinson’s Foundation webinar about the genetics of Parkinson's disease and the importance of participating in research studies.
Exercise & Lifestyle
Printable PDF and access to videos.
Dance for PD® (Baile para PD)*note: there is not a Spanish link but your patient can click in the upper right corner to select language
Juan Carlos OrganizationExercise videos for people with movement disorders, including some from Rock Steady Boxing.
PD Health @ Home (EP Salud En Casa)Educational and wellbeing virtual programs. Mindfulness Mondays, Wellness Wednesdays, Fitness Fridays.
Support group is for women with Parkinson’s disease.
Social assistance organization which provides family resources and tools.
Video & Podcast Series
Parkinson’s Foundation Spanish YouTube Channel
Substantial Matters – Parkinson's Foundation Podcast Series
Who to Contact with Questions
American Parkinson Disease Association Resource Line
Parkinson’s Foundation Help Line
1-800-4PD-INFO (1-800-473-4636) Option # 3 for Spanish
PD Conversations
Forum where patients can ask questions in Spanish.